
Kitchen Painting

Our Kitchen Spraying process begins with a thorough surface de-greasing to remove any contaminants on the surface that cant be seen by eye. careful application of a high coverage primer followed by high-quality Sherwin Williams paints, This allows us to achieve a flawless finish..

Furniture Painting

Our Furniture Spraying process begins the same as our Kitchen process with a thorough surface de-greasing to remove any contaminants on the surface that cant be seen by eye. careful application of a high coverage primer followed by high-quality Sherwin Williams paints, This allows us to achieve a flawless finish

Interior & Exterior Painting

Our Interior & exterior Process begins with a thorough prep of all surfaces. Cracks and holds filled, Minor surface flaws sanded and all surfaces covered to prevent paint dripping on to your surfaces. We will then paint your chosen colour to bring your vision to life.

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